Team Turner
Why subject myself to so much pain?
But yesterday was different. At the finish line I thought, “Yeah, I could do that again.”
The difference was having Mike by my side.
When you run alone, you have mile after mile to psych yourself out. To get caught up in your own head, in all the fears and doubts about who you are, why you’re out there, and what you’re doing.
When you have a partner by your side, there’s no space for self-doubt. Because you’re too busy chatting about the sunrise and how long you can make it before giving in to the restrictions of your bladder and stopping at a port-a-potty.
At every mile marker, Mike and I would throw our hands up in the air and shout the number. During the last three miles, we listened to “Eye of the Tiger” and AC/DC and the Rocky theme. It was silly and fun. No pain, no fear.
Okay, maybe a little pain.
There is so much value in having someone by your side. Your spouse, your friend, your accountability partner. Your team, your tribe, your dog.
In a few days Mike and I will begin a new physical challenge.
I don’t have all the details yet, but it involves terrifying things like kettle bells and sandbags.
The pull-up bar that Mike bolted to the back of our house will be employed.
I’ve been told to identify a “respectable hill.”
Am I scared? Yes. Yes, I am.
It’s going to be crazy hard. But Mike will be right there with me, as well as a team of people from all across the country.
So there’s no time to dwell in fear and self-doubt. I’ve got a hill to find.