
When Ambition Turns Into Greed (or Worse)

When Ambition Turns Into Greed (or Worse)


Ambition, drive, determination, motivation; these are all positive attributes we hope our kids, loved ones, and employees possess as central parts of their character.


Humility, empathy, principles, honor; these are also positive attributes, but unfortunately are viewed as second tier, less than, and therefore these behaviors are less talked about and emphasized in our culture.  

I’ve attended hundreds of real estate seminars and trainings, where the sole focus was to help agents make more money. To use their drive, determination, and ambition to make dozens of cold calls per day, to go door to door, to practice and use scripts to get more sales.

I’m all for making more money. After all, that’s one an amazing aspect of our country, there is so much opportunity. 


I’m so sick of this “make more money at any cost” mindset. They fuel this mindset with words like drive, determination, and ambition. 

I especially hate when I’m on the phone with another real estate broker, trying to settle a dispute, and the other party knowingly supports unethical tactics so their side wins. They are even smug about it. 

I noticed that the worst offenders are so far off the rails that they naturally assume that everyone is acting the same way (unethically) and become high and mighty about their position while they try to throw you under the bus.

Their ambition has turned to greed. Doing the “right” thing is laughable to them if it means losing or making less money.

I can’t change these people. Hopefully one day soon they will realize how far they have drifted out to sea, and if they don’t change course, they’ll end up lonely and miserable.

Can you tell that I’m venting…?

I want my kids to have a strong work ethic; I’m not sure how to teach that other than by being a role model to them. I want my kids to have drive and ambition to tackle hard things, but without losing site of their principles. Principles that I hope to instill in them before they leave our home. 

Ambition without principles rarely ends well.

Some of my counterparts may call me soft. That I’m not willing to do what it takes to win, to be on top. 

Good grief. That’s how lost they are.

Here’s to never being that lost, and may your moral compass always point north. 

Mike Turner

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Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Quote Image for 'When We Document, We Get Paid in Confidence' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

When We Document, We Get Paid in Confidence

When we document our progress, it pays us with measurable proof, which feeds our self-confidence, which is critical when doing hard sh*t.

Quote Image for 'Holding Out For A Hero' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Holding Out For A Hero

We are judged by our actions, and every day we are forced to make decisions where one path is harder, but much more heroic, and the other path is easier, and less heroic. It’s extremely challenging to choose the heroic path consistently. But you can make the choice easier by…

Quote Image for 'Duration has nothing to do with intensity' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Duration has Nothing to Do with Intensity

I used to think working for 15 hours a day meant I was applying more intensity to my work and therefore expected better results from my efforts. But when I really examined where and how I spent each hour, I realized there was a lot of unproductive time mixed in. And when I say a lot, I mean it shocked me…

Quote Image for 'Exit the Road of Regret' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Exit the Road of Regret

Instead of staying on cruise control, I saw a dirt road that looked exciting, that wound back and forth up the side of a mountain. Hairpin turns? Yeah, those look treacherous. A pitch so steep that a goat can barely traverse it? Well, who doesn’t love a challenge?

Quote Image for 'Are You The Cattle or The Cowboy?' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Are You The Cattle or The Cowboy?

Parents tell their kids to chase their dreams, but the message somehow turns to chase job security when they become a young adult.

It’s common in our society to encourage people to chase their dreams, but it’s even more common for society to scare you out of such pursuits.

Forget Date Night [Do this instead]

Forget Date Night [Do this instead]

For those of you who don’t know my wife, her name is Amanda. She is an accomplished author of 9 books. She hit the New York Times bestseller list… twice.

She does a million other amazing things. In short, she is badass, and it’s clear I married up. She is my favorite human.

She is who I crave to spend the most time with in my life. In the past, Amanda and I would routinely try to find a time on our schedule to have a date night. It didn’t happen very often. Once or twice a month was doing well.

Our schedules stay pretty full with kid stuff, family stuff, work stuff, social stuff. But in the last year we’ve found three new ways to spend a lot more quality time together. Just the two of us, and it’s been awesome.

The first one: Breakfast Dates 

Yep, breakfast. There is a fantastic little hole-in-the-wall breakfast place close to our home where we can always get a table. We started by going on the occasional weekend morning when the kids were staying overnight with family or friends.

We found these breakfast meetings gave us something far more than delicious food. They gave us another means of dating. They feel like dates even though they are in the morning. And we found it’s far easier to fit these dates into our schedules than date nights. Plus, these meetings are productive, as we discuss projects we’re working on and brainstorm solutions together.

Next thing you know we are putting these meetings on our daily planner during the week, just like any other client or business meeting. So now we go to breakfast at least twice a week and we both look forward to them. We discuss important things and unimportant things. It’s awesome, and I highly recommend morning dating.

The second: Neighborhood Walks

Another new part of our routine is that we go on walks together, often after dinner.  Sometimes we walk to breakfast. Another popular time is right after we finish our work for the day, and we are both eager to get up and move after sitting for so long. We don’t walk super far, but it’s long enough to get some health benefits from it.

We have a route that takes us about 30 minutes. We both have Fitbits, and one walk knocks off about half of the daily goal for steps. Beyond the health benefits of getting our steps in, it’s yet another time we get to spend together. Conversation varies from things we are reading to family dynamics to strategizing new business ventures.

This lovely habit has increased with the onset of better weather. So, I’m not sure what we’ll do when it gets cold again, but at this point I don’t care. I’m just enjoying the extra time with Amanda while burning some extra calories.

And the third: Drinks on the Deck 

This last new habit that we love is definitely seasonal, and not nearly as healthy as the daily walks. We have two big decks at our house. Depending on what time of day it is, the decks can differ in temperature by up to 15 degrees. So, we can typically find a spot that is just right to sit together outside with a beverage.

There is something about being outside with great weather and a cocktail in hand that we love. It’s like the perfect date experience, but without having to go anywhere, and super easy to fit in. It’s a great time to reconnect after a long day or have a quick break from the kids, and simply enjoy the moment, together.

So, if you are in a relationship, and you crave more dates with your partner, consider mixing in some of these alternatives to date night. They are easier to schedule or to make happen during your busy week.

Happy Dating!

P.S. Amanda and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary next month! One secret to our marriage success is that we make a point to date. Just saying. Mike and Amanda Turner

Join The Community!

Join our Facebook GroupJoin the quest for “The Sweet Life.”  Request access to our Facebook Group.  Let’s learn from each other!  GO HERE

Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

Take The SWEET LIFE Assessment

See how you score? Identify your strengths. Discover areas in your life you want to improve. GO HERE.

Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Quote Image for 'When We Document, We Get Paid in Confidence' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

When We Document, We Get Paid in Confidence

When we document our progress, it pays us with measurable proof, which feeds our self-confidence, which is critical when doing hard sh*t.

Quote Image for 'Holding Out For A Hero' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Holding Out For A Hero

We are judged by our actions, and every day we are forced to make decisions where one path is harder, but much more heroic, and the other path is easier, and less heroic. It’s extremely challenging to choose the heroic path consistently. But you can make the choice easier by…

Quote Image for 'Duration has nothing to do with intensity' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Duration has Nothing to Do with Intensity

I used to think working for 15 hours a day meant I was applying more intensity to my work and therefore expected better results from my efforts. But when I really examined where and how I spent each hour, I realized there was a lot of unproductive time mixed in. And when I say a lot, I mean it shocked me…

Quote Image for 'Exit the Road of Regret' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Exit the Road of Regret

Instead of staying on cruise control, I saw a dirt road that looked exciting, that wound back and forth up the side of a mountain. Hairpin turns? Yeah, those look treacherous. A pitch so steep that a goat can barely traverse it? Well, who doesn’t love a challenge?

Quote Image for 'Are You The Cattle or The Cowboy?' a The Sweet Life article by Mike Turner

Are You The Cattle or The Cowboy?

Parents tell their kids to chase their dreams, but the message somehow turns to chase job security when they become a young adult.

It’s common in our society to encourage people to chase their dreams, but it’s even more common for society to scare you out of such pursuits.

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