
I Find the Pleasure in the Monotony

I Find the Pleasure in the Monotony

As I was lifting a kettlebell over my head for 6 rounds this morning, I couldn’t help to think of the monotony of regular exercising.

I thought about monotony again when I was doing my 100 burpee routine.

I don’t experience much pleasure in doing those exercises. But I do find pleasure completing them before 7am, knowing I still have a full day in front of me and I’ve already feel like I won a big part of my day.

I know that to change my body, to develop my skills as writer, to learn a new language, takes years and even a lifetime of dedicated practice.

This is not what most people want to hear; they want a quick fix. Amanda posted a great essay recently about how there is no finish line, and I agree entirely. But at times that can sound like a death sentence of monotony and struggle.

Signing up for an additional month of 28 Day GRIT Challenge is a good example of this. When you complete a 28-day challenge, you naturally want to celebrate a job well done, and we should celebrate our wins, but signing up for another one? And then another? And Another?

Who in their right mind would do that?

Only someone who finds pleasure in results and self-improvement, and who is willing to endure the monotony to experience those pleasures.

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Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Kill Your Brain Cells

Kill Your Brain Cells

We grow up hearing that this is a really bad thing. That things like television and drugs will kill off your brain cells. I remember being a kid and visualizing this – then worrying that if I kept watching Saturday morning cartoons, I’d run out of them altogether.

As an adult, I’d argue that some of your brain cells should be killed off. The idea is to rebuild the mind, but first you have to destroy the part of your brain that operates because of convention. The brain cells that tell you to go along with the herd, those are the ones that have to go.

For over a decade I’ve been hearing lots of reasons why Mike and I cannot or should not travel internationally for months at a time with our children.

Also of note: For over a decade Mike and I have been traveling internationally for months at a time with our children.

The conventional, herd mentality, sometimes given voice by those around us, says:

“It’s too dangerous.”
“You can’t take your kids out of school.”
“It costs too much money.”
“Kids need routine.”

None of these things are true.

#1 Danger. I have more fear sending my kids to school in the United States than I do taking them overseas. I have no intention of stopping either one.

#2 Education. Have you heard of the internet? (If you’re reading this, you have). Online education options are amazing and free. Also, it turns out that other countries have schools just like we do.

#3 Money. During some of our trips (notably Spain and Brazil), it was actually cheaper for us to leave the US and live in those other countries for two months than it would have been if we’d just stayed home. Think about that. It’s both crazy and true.

#4 Routine. Not all kids need routine. Most are surprisingly adaptable. More so than their parents. This is just the adults projecting what they feel themselves or repeating what they’ve heard, without giving it real thought.

In the past decade we have had amazing experiences with our children. We’ve hiked in the Amazon in Brazil, watched caber tossing in Scotland, spent Christmas in Tasmania, kayaked in rural Thailand, explored castles in Ireland, released baby sea turtles in Mexico, visited Angkor Wat in Cambodia, hiked mountains in Alaska, and held owls in Spain. These are just a few of the things we never would have experienced if we’d listened to the naysayers and gone along with conventional thinking.

The lifestyle we’ve chosen and how we travel with our kids is just one example of killing off conventional thinking to open up a world of possibilities.

We all have control over own stories.

Sometimes we just need to realize that and regain control if we’ve subconsciously given it up along the way.

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Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Do It Now, Later Will Be Worse

Do It Now, Later Will Be Worse

“Later” should be four letters. It’s certainly a curse word. We should wince when hear it.

When I don’t want to do something, there is always a seductive voice telling me all kinds of rational reasons why I should put it off until “later.”

This voice says, “Your back is sore, if you go exercise now, you could make it worse.”

The next day it says, “You’re behind on your assignments, get caught up first. You can exercise later.” 

Pretty soon “later” becomes next week, month, next year, a decade can go by in the blink of an eye.

I believe our brains are hardwired to seek comfort as part of our natural survival instinct. The problem is that there is no off switch. There is always some voice in our head telling us to slow down, to eat that food loaded with calories, to rest on the couch instead of going for a walk.

The pain you are feeling could be serious, so it’s probably better to stop moving. Do you know what I’m talking about? When you know in the back of your head that it’s not serious pain and that you’re perfectly capable, but you let yourself entertain the possibility, because it provides a perfect excuse.

Each day is a battle to shut the voice up. I’ve listened to that voice too often in the past. I know what happens when I give in and push things off to “later.”

The best way I’ve found to overcome that seductive voice in my head, convincing me to do something later, is to simply do the opposite. I try to answer back with, “I’m going to do it now; it will be worse if I wait until later.”

My comfort-seeking brain does not like the sound of “worse.” And then there is always the wonderful feeling of satisfaction of having accomplished what you set out to do.

Later = Worse. Do it now.

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Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Who Needs Sleep?

Who Needs Sleep?

​I’m a driven person attracted to driven people. I put a multitude of systems in place to feed that drive, to capitalize on it.

Calendars, priorities, overwhelming projects broken down into manageable pieces. I get an undeniable high off of completing a task.

I’m driven in personal aspects of life too. My relationships with my husband, children, friends, and community – each of these relationships is a weighty and treasured asset, not one that I take for granted.

I’m driven in terms of my health. I implement daily exercises to improve it physically, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually.

Putting all of that together leads me to one truth: Time is our most precious commodity. Never enough hours in the day. We like to think that this is unique to us and our time, but we did not invent the wheel; we just continue the grind. Of this, I am sure.

Needing more time is a problem that breeds a nasty and negative solution: sleep less.

That’s the answer, right? Get up earlier. Stay up later. I took this a step further and combined it with my already established, unhealthy sleep habits: laptop and phone by my side at night, the DND setting off. Sleep like crap. Rise. Repeat.

There are other ways to find time: Less television and less Internet produce more time for other things. And if you actually track the time you give to keeping up appearances on Facebook or watching America’s Got Talent, you’ll realize how much time you could have used cultivating your own talent.

Once I understood the folly in letting sleep become a casualty, I began to see how often sleep deprivation is worn like a badge of honor in our hyper-productive world. Pissing matches over which entrepreneur works the latest and gets up earliest, continually upping the ante by dialing back the alarm.

The INTELLIGENT early risers make no excuse for the fact that while they might rise long before the sun comes up, they are also in bed at an hour that gives them time to get the sleep they need.

Getting by on little sleep does not give me more time. In fact, it robs me of time, because the hours I do have will find me irritable, dull, and incapable of focus.

To martyr yourself in this way is to demonstrate the ultimate act of disrespect to yourself and your health.

So, who needs sleep?

I do. And so do you.

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Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Use Your Library Card

Use Your Library Card

One of the most important ways that writers can learn and improve is by reading. Every now and then I meet a writer who says they don’t have time to read. Bullshit, time to prioritize. A writer who doesn’t read is not doing her job. It’s also folly to feel guilty about time spent reading. It’s okay if part of your job is enjoyable.

Reading is the passive acquisition of knowledge – about structure, language, plot, motivation. When you read something terrible, you take note of why it’s terrible and learn what not to do. When you read something that sparkles, you figure out why and learn to make your own words more impactful.

There’s knowledge to be gained everywhere, not strictly from nonfiction. Fiction teaches us about interpersonal relationships and the elements of a compelling story. You can drill it down further by genre: sci-fi teaches us to think beyond what we know to be possible; thrillers demonstrate the power of easing and increasing tension in intervals; romance reminds us that emotion has the power to override all logic and reason.

Every time you read, you improve your grasp of language, spelling, and grammar. If you actively want to improve in this area, subscribe to Grammar Girl or Daily Writing Tips. Learn the differences between bear/bare, your/you’re, affect/effect, ie/eg. It takes a minute of your day and is a great way to get 1% daily gains to improve your writing over time.

There’s popular advice out there about leveraging the people around you. About surrounding yourself with people who display the qualities you most admire.

There’s Jim Rohn’s quote: “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

And you’ve probably heard: “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”

Reading not only allows you to leverage the knowledge of others, but also gives you complete control in deciding what that knowledge will be, and the scope of it can extend far beyond the five people around you.

When it comes to harnessing knowledge and using it to improve ourselves, I believe that reading is the easiest, cheapest, most enjoyable, and most effective way to do it. It all comes back to that library card.

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Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Transformation & Tiny Humans

Transformation & Tiny Humans

As parents, when try to improve in different aspects of life, we’re doing it as much for those around us as we are for ourselves.

I want my children to be inspired by my actions, to see the work I put into reading, writing, learning. To see that my progress in exercising is not only measured in physical gains, but also emotional. That I have more patience and calm. That I’m happier.

The tricky part is that it’s not always easy to find time and space for self-improvement when you also have tiny humans around. With babies and toddlers, this can feel near impossible, especially if they don’t sleep and/or you’re doing it on your own.

I remember the first time Mike and I realized our kids were old enough to be home alone while we went for a quick jog together. We hadn’t jogged together in years. Up until that point, time for exercise always necessitated tag-team parenting, because someone had to be on duty.

It was such freedom. It felt like a luxury.

(Then there was the second time we left them home alone and we returned to find that they’d lit all the candles).

Not only do endeavors of self-improvement get easier as kids grow and get more independent, but we now can include them in our efforts…not that they always want to be included. Though we invite them to do our workouts with us, they have yet to take us up on the offer.

There is no downside to transforming into the best versions of ourselves. It creates a positive, ripple effect that flows out from one person to the next.

If you’re on a similar journey, and navigating your path with small children in tow, my hat goes off to you. It gets easier. One piece of advice: when they’re old enough to give you that first bit of freedom, maybe have a talk about fire safety before you head out for a jog.

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Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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See how you score? Identify your strengths. Discover areas in your life you want to improve. GO HERE.

Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

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