
Who Are the Heroes in the Room?

Who Are the Heroes in the Room?

Recently we held our quarterly ImpactClub event. We have 230 members (who need not be present to participate). Each donates $100. We hear from 3 charities for 5 minutes each. Then the members at the event vote and the winning charity takes home the pot. 230 members x $100 = $23,000. Yes, it’s super cool.

At these events, Mike and I get lots of compliments. We hear about how amazing and wonderful we are and how the work we do is so important. I’m not going to lie, compliments feel great. Being recognized for your efforts is like the emotional equivalent of melted butter. So good.

One of the past winners of ImpactClub was giving me these compliments. And suddenly I felt like I was in the Upside Down.

“Wait a second,” I said. “YOU’RE the one doing the amazing work. All we do is throw a party!”

Think about that. Mike and I throw a big party and get lots of praise for raising money for local charities. But ImpactClub is much bigger than us; it only works if we have members (thank you, members!).

But we’re not the ones in the trenches. We go home and start planning the next live event.

The heroes in all of this are the ones brave enough to get on stage and tell their stories.

And the day after the event? While Mike and I are discussing what logistics worked and what could be better next time?

Those heroes are going back to their work feeding the hungry, healing the abused, and caring for the most vulnerable people in our society.

THAT is the truly amazing work. It’s the work of compassion and determination and a commitment to do the right thing when it would be so much easier to look the other way.

If you want to learn more about these true heroes, I invite you to check out the organizations we heard from at our last event…

Hope House http://ahome2come2.com/

Family Advocates http://www.familyadvocates.org/

The Idaho Foodbank http://idahofoodbank.org/

See more at http://ImpactClubBoise.com

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Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

What Is ImpactClub?

What Is ImpactClub?

In its first two years, ImpactClub Boise donated almost $200,000 to the following organizations:

Women’s and Children’s Alliance
Chrysalis Transitional Living
Create Common Good
Interfaith Sanctuary
Wyakin Foundation
The Speedy Foundation
Wilderness Science Education
Boise Angels
The Language and Learning Center at Calico
The Percolator Fund

Depending on our membership at the time of their wins, the above organizations received anywhere from $10,000 to $23,000.

We’ve been on Channels 6 and 7, and on Gemma Gaudette’s “Idaho Matters” program on our local NPR station. We’re grateful for the press.

But my heart really goes out to our members, both past and current.

When someone has the mindset that their small donation doesn’t matter, they typically fail to follow through with it.

ImpactClub members, on the other hand, know the power in our collective strength. Each of our 230 members is equally responsible for what we were able to do in those first 2 years. By each giving $100, we pool our donations to $23,000. That amount of money can be a game changer for some of the amazing organizations doing good work in our community. I’m humbled by the generosity around me.

If you are a current member of ImpactClub, whether you attend the live events or not, know that YOU are making a difference. We can’t do what we do without you.

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Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

Take The SWEET LIFE Assessment

See how you score? Identify your strengths. Discover areas in your life you want to improve. GO HERE.

Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

In Pursuit of Dreams

In Pursuit of Dreams

​There’s a saying…

Writers hate to write but love to have written.

This is a great example of what separates those who pursue their dreams versus those who do not. The key difference between the doers and the talkers is how they approach the pursuit.

Lots of people love the idea of the outcome, but not the pursuit, the hard work you have to commit to along the way.

They want to have written a book, but without all that pesky writing time.

They want to be in shape but without having to actually exercise.

If you can shift your mindset to find pleasure in the pursuit, you end up making bigger strides. Not fantasizing about the end goal, but taking each necessary step to get there, being present along the journey and finding joy in the slog.

I want to show my children, by example, that I not only dream, but also commit to pursuing those dreams. No one knows what I am capable of. Including me. I commit to pursing dreams, because I want to find out.

I was thinking about this the other day in terms of my kids, and kids in general. Adults are great at giving mixed messages. We love to tell little kids that they can be whatever they want to be. That they should dream big.

When they turn into teenagers and inch closer to adulthood, we start to chip away at that message. We encourage them to go for the sensible pursuit.

By encouraging something “sensible” or a fallback, we communicate our doubt about their capabilities.

I’m not bashing sensibility. I just think that too often we don’t give people enough credit. We assume they don’t know how to be resourceful on their own. We use criticism to put cracks in the foundations of their dreams.

I don’t want that for my kids. I want them to commit to pursuing dreams. And part of that equation is being an example for them.

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Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

Take The SWEET LIFE Assessment

See how you score? Identify your strengths. Discover areas in your life you want to improve. GO HERE.

Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

How to Change Your Life

How to Change Your Life

​In terms of my personal health and fitness, I’ve always been a two-steps-forward/one-step-back kind of girl. I move slow and steady, but generally in the right direction.

That is… until now.

This year has been a game-changer. I am in high gear.

We started by training for and completing a half-marathon, then began the GRIT challenges we’ve been posting about. What we’re doing now takes less time, but is more effective, than any other diet or exercise I’ve tried.

I feel like I’ve been able to take longer strides on those two steps forward and shorten the single steps back into baby steps.

The workouts are hard. No joke, but often as quick as 15 minutes.

It all comes down to a body in motion versus a body at rest.

One reason why these challenges are so effective is that they demand more than you think you are capable of. Putting forth more effort than you thought you could builds momentum to keep that effort going.

I’m really appreciative (though it would have been hard to get me to admit it along the way) that there was no option to take a day off. If you fail to do your workout and post in the group, you are booted entirely and have to wait for next month’s 28-day challenge to begin again. So you have to fully commit. There are no workout-cheat-days. That keeps the momentum going.

After completing my second GRIT challenge, we were asked to reflect on our results. Here are some of mine.

Mind: I feel more present, relaxed, calm, confident, at peace, capable, and optimistic. I enjoy every day. I’m not afraid of asking myself hard questions and digging deep to find the answers. I’ve always been a writer, but hadn’t written on the topics that we touch upon here. It’s tapped into gratitude. I feel constant gratitude.

Body: We hauled our hand-me-down fake Christmas tree up from the shed. It comes in three sections that stack together. In the past Mike has carried the two bigger sections of it and I’ve just carried the top part because the thing is so darn heavy. But on Friday I picked up the middle section of it and wondered why I’d ever thought it was heavy. Then I realized that it’s exactly the same weight as it was last year; I just happen to be a heck of a lot stronger now. And as far as vanity is concerned, I’ve lost two inches from my thighs, two from my hips, and one inch at my stomach.

Business: Physical strength and getting a workout done early in the morning effects nearly everything that follows throughout the day. I’m more confident and capable, which bleeds into every aspect of my work. I’ve unearthed a manuscript that I’ve been sitting on for two years and I have at least two releases planned for 2020. I feel like I’ve made huge strides in moving forward.

Mike has started posting our workout videos on Facebook. Previously we’ve only posted them in the private GRIT group. The people I’ve met through this have inspired me and truly changed me for the better. Maybe we can pass that light along to someone else.

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Join our Facebook GroupJoin the quest for “The Sweet Life.”  Request access to our Facebook Group.  Let’s learn from each other!  GO HERE

Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

Take The SWEET LIFE Assessment

See how you score? Identify your strengths. Discover areas in your life you want to improve. GO HERE.

Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.  

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

Kill Your Brain Cells

Kill Your Brain Cells

We grow up hearing that this is a really bad thing. That things like television and drugs will kill off your brain cells. I remember being a kid and visualizing this – then worrying that if I kept watching Saturday morning cartoons, I’d run out of them altogether.

As an adult, I’d argue that some of your brain cells should be killed off. The idea is to rebuild the mind, but first you have to destroy the part of your brain that operates because of convention. The brain cells that tell you to go along with the herd, those are the ones that have to go.

For over a decade I’ve been hearing lots of reasons why Mike and I cannot or should not travel internationally for months at a time with our children.

Also of note: For over a decade Mike and I have been traveling internationally for months at a time with our children.

The conventional, herd mentality, sometimes given voice by those around us, says:

“It’s too dangerous.”
“You can’t take your kids out of school.”
“It costs too much money.”
“Kids need routine.”

None of these things are true.

#1 Danger. I have more fear sending my kids to school in the United States than I do taking them overseas. I have no intention of stopping either one.

#2 Education. Have you heard of the internet? (If you’re reading this, you have). Online education options are amazing and free. Also, it turns out that other countries have schools just like we do.

#3 Money. During some of our trips (notably Spain and Brazil), it was actually cheaper for us to leave the US and live in those other countries for two months than it would have been if we’d just stayed home. Think about that. It’s both crazy and true.

#4 Routine. Not all kids need routine. Most are surprisingly adaptable. More so than their parents. This is just the adults projecting what they feel themselves or repeating what they’ve heard, without giving it real thought.

In the past decade we have had amazing experiences with our children. We’ve hiked in the Amazon in Brazil, watched caber tossing in Scotland, spent Christmas in Tasmania, kayaked in rural Thailand, explored castles in Ireland, released baby sea turtles in Mexico, visited Angkor Wat in Cambodia, hiked mountains in Alaska, and held owls in Spain. These are just a few of the things we never would have experienced if we’d listened to the naysayers and gone along with conventional thinking.

The lifestyle we’ve chosen and how we travel with our kids is just one example of killing off conventional thinking to open up a world of possibilities.

We all have control over own stories.

Sometimes we just need to realize that and regain control if we’ve subconsciously given it up along the way.

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Free Audio Book Download

Full Unabridged Audio Book “Vagabonding With Kids” by AK Turner!  GO HERE

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See how you score? Identify your strengths. Discover areas in your life you want to improve. GO HERE.

Giving Back

Amanda and Mike launched an Impact Club in their hometown of Boise, Idaho in 2017, and have had a blast gathering like-minded individuals, families, and organizations to make significant impact in our community, raising over $200,000 locally and over $1.5 million nationally.

Join Our Next Monthly CHALLENGE

Every month Amanda and Mike pick a month-long challenge that pushes us out of our comfort zone so we can grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we design our own unique challenge and other times we join pre-established challenges. Email us to find out about our next upcoming challenge. Us@BusinessofUs.com

About Us

Our Story | Mike and Amanda TurnerWe are Mike and Amanda Turner, founders of “The Business of Us.” We are fierce advocates of helping entrepreneurial couples and families improve their lives, livelihoods, and legacies… READ MORE

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